Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Nun Life.

Jaclyn and I are on the plane to Costa Rica! Cody and Craig are a few rows behind us. Cody sent me a singing Justin Bieber toothbrush by way of a 15 year old French girl. Let's just say Jac and I are having a dance party up here. I thought I should write about my Tall Timber experience before I get to CR and have so many other things to share.
So, January 2nd we all circled up in the Whitworth parking lot where Jerry met us with his double-armed welcome that we really came to appreciate throughout the month (as well as the all flame!). The road trip was beautiful up into Leavenworth where we picked up Emily in our car. As we entered the 6 mile road to heaven, we started out the trip with a perfect 180 degree flip into a ditch. Thank the Lord for Jonathan's snow skills. As soon as we got all our stuff to our cabins the 20 days began.
Every day consisted of the same schedule. Wake up at 7:30. Worship at 8. Breakfast at 8:30. Personal Bible study 9-10:30. Group Bible study discussion 10:30-11:30. Jerry Lecture 11:30-12:30. Worship until 1. Lunch. 2 hours of free time. 2.5 hours of personal study (texts and Bible and reflections). Worship at 6:15. Dinner. Small groups. Free time. Worship. And finally the bedtime story from Jerry. (Of course, C.S. Lewis's The Great Divorce and The Silver Chair) 
This strict schedule seems like it may have been boring but it actually gave me more freedom than I have ever experienced. Not having to think about what I was going to be doing all day allowed me to really enter into where God had me at every moment. We developed a rhythm that brought peace and helped slow our minds down so that we could actually be present to what the Lord was doing in our lives. This is something that I have found to be hard to continue back home but I am fighting for it. Costa Rica should be a slower pace so I am hoping it will be a good place to practice. Also, it made for incredible times of laughter and adventure during our free times. We were so excited to talk with each other that we did not want to waste any of our time. Anna Irwin in cross country skiis to Napequa Falls=best day ever. We got to jump off the roof into 10 feet of snow (illegally of course), Skiik (no questions), have water wars in the dish room, play signs and catch phrase, snow shoe, talk with the adults, drink tea by the fire, eat endlessly, move in the new chef and his family, and the list goes on. Jerry and his wife Pat and his good friends Donna and Orv were the adults there and there wisdom was so life-giving and true. I think Donna and I may be kindred spirits.
It is really hard to explain what the month was actually like other than the tangible things. I have never grown so much in the Lord in such a short time. But it was steady and sure. It was not based on feeling or emotion but genuine transformation that I am learning to actually change my life with. At first I (and my small group) was extremely aware of the sinful nature of people. This turned into realizing that we will never be good enough or have good enough motives to be with God. Then, grace finally made sense. God's grace rooted itself deep into my heart and I am so certain of His love for me. It is amazing to think that God made all of us individually just so we could love Him. Now the hard part is accepting this into every part of my life so I can actually love Him the way I want to. As a result of this renewed understanding, Scripture really came to life and I realized the opportunity I have to go into the depths of His heart as I study Him and practice His ways. I am excited to start a new life in Costa Rica and form my life around the way God calls me to live. Of course, this will need bold and persistent prayer from myself and the people around me. I am also praying that I will live this way so that others might want the same thing. He really wants every heart to come back to Him. Thank You Jesus! 
Anyways, there is turquoise water out the window and I must look at it. Until Costa Rica!

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